Chapter 14 Sequence motif analysis using Bio.motifs

This chapter gives an overview of the functionality of the Bio.motifs package included in Biopython. It is intended for people who are involved in the analysis of sequence motifs, so I’ll assume that you are familiar with basic notions of motif analysis. In case something is unclear, please look at Section 14.8 for some relevant links.

Most of this chapter describes the new Bio.motifs package included in Biopython 1.61 onwards, which is replacing the older Bio.Motif package introduced with Biopython 1.50, which was in turn based on two older former Biopython modules, Bio.AlignAce and Bio.MEME. It provides most of their functionality with a unified motif object implementation.

Speaking of other libraries, if you are reading this you might be interested in TAMO, another python library designed to deal with sequence motifs. It supports more de-novo motif finders, but it is not a part of Biopython and has some restrictions on commercial use.

14.1 Motif objects

Since we are interested in motif analysis, we need to take a look at Motif objects in the first place. For that we need to import the Bio.motifs library:

>>> from Bio import motifs

and we can start creating our first motif objects. We can either create a Motif object from a list of instances of the motif, or we can obtain a Motif object by parsing a file from a motif database or motif finding software.

14.1.1 Creating a motif from instances

Suppose we have these instances of a DNA motif:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> instances = [Seq("TACAA"),
...              Seq("TACGC"),
...              Seq("TACAC"),
...              Seq("TACCC"),
...              Seq("AACCC"),
...              Seq("AATGC"),
...              Seq("AATGC"),
...             ]

then we can create a Motif object as follows:

>>> m = motifs.create(instances)

The instances are saved in an attribute m.instances, which is essentially a Python list with some added functionality, as described below. Printing out the Motif object shows the instances from which it was constructed:

>>> print m

The length of the motif defined as the sequence length, which should be the same for all instances:

>>> len(m)

The Motif object has an attribute .counts containing the counts of each nucleotide at each position. Printing this counts matrix shows it in an easily readable format:

>>> print m.counts
        0      1      2      3      4
A:   3.00   7.00   0.00   2.00   1.00
C:   0.00   0.00   5.00   2.00   6.00
G:   0.00   0.00   0.00   3.00   0.00
T:   4.00   0.00   2.00   0.00   0.00

You can access these counts as a dictionary:

>>> m.counts['A']
[3, 7, 0, 2, 1]

but you can also think of it as a 2D array with the nucleotide as the first dimension and the position as the second dimension:

>>> m.counts['T',0]
>>> m.counts['T',2]
>>> m.counts['T',3]

You can also directly access columns of the counts matrix

>>> m.counts[:,3]
{'A': 2, 'C': 2, 'T': 0, 'G': 3}

Instead of the nucleotide itself, you can also use the index of the nucleotide in the sorted letters in the alphabet of the motif:

>>> m.alphabet
>>> m.alphabet.letters
>>> sorted(m.alphabet.letters)
['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']
>>> m.counts['A',:]
(3, 7, 0, 2, 1)
>>> m.counts[0,:]
(3, 7, 0, 2, 1)

The motif has an associated consensus sequence, defined as the sequence of letters along the positions of the motif for which the largest value in the corresponding columns of the .counts matrix is obtained:

>>> m.consensus
Seq('TACGC', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())

as well as an anticonsensus sequence, corresponding to the smallest values in the columns of the .counts matrix:

>>> m.anticonsensus
Seq('GGGTG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())

You can also ask for a degenerate consensus sequence, in which ambiguous nucleotides are used for positions where there are multiple nucleotides with high counts:

>>> m.degenerate_consensus
Seq('WACVC', IUPACAmbiguousDNA())

Here, W and R follow the IUPAC nucleotide ambiguity codes: W is either A or T, and V is A, C, or G [10]. The degenerate consensus sequence is constructed following the rules specified by Cavener [11].

We can also get the reverse complement of a motif:

>>> r = m.reverse_complement()
>>> r.consensus
Seq('GCGTA', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
>>> r.degenerate_consensus
Seq('GBGTW', IUPACAmbiguousDNA())
>>> print r

The reverse complement and the degenerate consensus sequence are only defined for DNA motifs.

14.1.2 Reading motifs

Creating motifs from instances by hand is a bit boring, so it’s useful to have some I/O functions for reading and writing motifs. There are no really well established standards for storing motifs, but there’s a couple of formats which are more used than others. The most important distinction is whether the motif representation is based on instances or on some version of PWM matrix.


One of the most popular motif databases JASPAR stores motifs either as a list of instances, or as a frequency matrix. As an example, these are the beginning and ending lines of the JASPAR Arnt.sites file showing known binding sites of the mouse helix-loop-helix transcription factor Arnt:

>MA0004 ARNT    1
>MA0004 ARNT    2
>MA0004 ARNT    3
>MA0004 ARNT    18
>MA0004 ARNT    19
>MA0004 ARNT    20

The parts of the sequence in capital letters are the motif instances that were found to align to each other.

We can create a Motif object from these instances as follows:

>>> from Bio import motifs
>>> arnt ="Arnt.sites"), "sites")

The instances from which this motif was created is stored in the .instances property:

>>> print arnt.instances[:3]
[Seq('CACGTG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA()), Seq('CACGTG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA()), Seq('CACGTG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())]
>>> for instance in arnt.instances:
...     print instance

The counts matrix of this motif is automatically calculated from the instances:

>>> print arnt.counts
        0      1      2      3      4      5
A:   4.00  19.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
C:  16.00   0.00  20.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
G:   0.00   1.00   0.00  20.00   0.00  20.00
T:   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00  20.00   0.00

The JASPAR database also makes motifs available directly as a count matrix, without the instances from which it was created. For example, this is the JASPAR file SRF.pfm containing the count matrix for the human SRF transcription factor:

 2  9  0  1 32  3 46  1 43 15  2  2
 1 33 45 45  1  1  0  0  0  1  0  1
39  2  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 44 43
 4  2  0  0 13 42  0 45  3 30  0  0

We can create a motif for this count matrix as follows:

>>> srf ="SRF.pfm"),"pfm")
>>> print srf.counts
        0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10     11
A:   2.00   9.00   0.00   1.00  32.00   3.00  46.00   1.00  43.00  15.00   2.00   2.00
C:   1.00  33.00  45.00  45.00   1.00   1.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   1.00   0.00   1.00
G:  39.00   2.00   1.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00  44.00  43.00
T:   4.00   2.00   0.00   0.00  13.00  42.00   0.00  45.00   3.00  30.00   0.00   0.00

As this motif was created from the counts matrix directly, it has no instances associated with it:

>>> print srf.instances

We can now ask for the consensus sequence of these two motifs:

>>> print arnt.counts.consensus
>>> print srf.counts.consensus


MEME [12] is a tool for discovering motifs in a group of related DNA or protein sequences. It takes as input a group of DNA or protein sequences and outputs as many motifs as requested. Therefore, in contrast to JASPAR files, MEME output files typically contain multiple motifs. This is an example.

At the top of an output file generated by MEME shows some background information about the MEME and the version of MEME used:

MEME - Motif discovery tool
MEME version 3.0 (Release date: 2004/08/18 09:07:01)

Further down, the input set of training sequences is recapitulated:

Sequence name            Weight Length  Sequence name            Weight Length
-------------            ------ ------  -------------            ------ ------
CHO1                     1.0000    800  CHO2                     1.0000    800
FAS1                     1.0000    800  FAS2                     1.0000    800
ACC1                     1.0000    800  INO1                     1.0000    800
OPI3                     1.0000    800

and the exact command line that was used:

This information can also be useful in the event you wish to report a
problem with the MEME software.

command: meme -mod oops -dna -revcomp -nmotifs 2 -bfile INO_up800.s

Next is detailed information on each motif that was found:

MOTIF  1        width =   12   sites =   7   llr = 95   E-value = 2.0e-001
        Motif 1 Description
Simplified        A  :::9:a::::3:
pos.-specific     C  ::a:9:11691a
probability       G  ::::1::94:4:
matrix            T  aa:1::9::11:

To parse this file (stored as meme.dna.oops.txt), use

>>> handle = open("meme.dna.oops.txt")
>>> record = motifs.parse(handle, "meme")
>>> handle.close()

The motifs.parse command reads the complete file directly, so you can close the file after calling motifs.parse. The header information is stored in attributes:

>>> record.version
>>> record.datafile
>>> record.command
'meme -mod oops -dna -revcomp -nmotifs 2 -bfile INO_up800.s'
>>> record.alphabet
>>> record.sequences
['CHO1', 'CHO2', 'FAS1', 'FAS2', 'ACC1', 'INO1', 'OPI3']

The record is an object of the class. The class inherits from list, and you can think of record as a list of Motif objects:

>>> len(record)
>>> motif = record[0]
>>> print motif.consensus
>>> print motif.degenerate_consensus

In addition to these generic motif attributes, each motif also stores its specific information as calculated by MEME. For example,

>>> motif.num_occurrences
>>> motif.length
>>> evalue = motif.evalue
>>> print "%3.1g" % evalue
'Motif 1'

In addition to using an index into the record, as we did above, you can also find it by its name:

>>> motif = record['Motif 1']

Each motif has an attribute .instances with the sequence instances in which the motif was found, providing some information on each instance:

>>> len(motif.instances)
>>> motif.instances[0]
Instance('TTCACATGCCGC', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
>>> motif.instances[0].motif_name
'Motif 1'
>>> motif.instances[0].sequence_name
>>> motif.instances[0].start
>>> motif.instances[0].strand
>>> motif.instances[0].length
>>> pvalue = motif.instances[0].pvalue
>>> print "%5.3g" % pvalue



TRANSFAC is a manually curated database of transcription factors, together with their genomic binding sites and DNA binding profiles [27]. While the file format used in the TRANSFAC database is nowadays also used by others, we will refer to it as the TRANSFAC file format.

A minimal file in the TRANSFAC format looks as follows:

ID  motif1
P0      A      C      G      T
01      1      2      2      0      S
02      2      1      2      0      R
03      3      0      1      1      A
04      0      5      0      0      C
05      5      0      0      0      A
06      0      0      4      1      G
07      0      1      4      0      G
08      0      0      0      5      T
09      0      0      5      0      G
10      0      1      2      2      K
11      0      2      0      3      Y
12      1      0      3      1      G

This file shows the frequency matrix of motif motif1 of 12 nucleotides. In general, one file in the TRANSFAC format can contain multiple motifs. For example, this is the contents of the example TRANSFAC file transfac.dat:

VV  EXAMPLE January 15, 2013
ID  motif1
P0      A      C      G      T
01      1      2      2      0      S
02      2      1      2      0      R
03      3      0      1      1      A
11      0      2      0      3      Y
12      1      0      3      1      G
ID  motif2
P0      A      C      G      T
01      2      1      2      0      R
02      1      2      2      0      S
09      0      0      0      5      T
10      0      2      0      3      Y

To parse a TRANSFAC file, use

>>> handle = open("transfac.dat")
>>> record = motifs.parse(handle, "TRANSFAC")
>>> handle.close()

The overall version number, if available, is stored as record.version:

>>> record.version
'EXAMPLE January 15, 2013'

Each motif in record is in instance of the Bio.motifs.transfac.Motif class, which inherits both from the Bio.motifs.Motif class and from a Python dictionary. The dictionary uses the two-letter keys to store any additional information about the motif:

>>> motif = record[0]
>>> motif.degenerate_consensus # Using the Bio.motifs.Motif method
>>> motif['ID'] # Using motif as a dictionary

TRANSFAC files are typically much more elaborate than this example, containing lots of additional information about the motif. Table 14.1.2 lists the two-letter field codes that are commonly found in TRANSFAC files:

Table 14.1: Fields commonly found in TRANSFAC files
AC Accession number
AS Accession numbers, secondary
BA Statistical basis
BF Binding factors
BS Factor binding sites underlying the matrix
CC Comments
CO Copyright notice
DE Short factor description
DR External databases
DT Date created/updated
HC Subfamilies
HP Superfamilies
ID Identifier
NA Name of the binding factor
OC Taxonomic classification
OS Species/Taxon
OV Older version
PV Preferred version
TY Type
XX Empty line; these are not stored in the Record.

Each motif also has an attribute .references containing the references associated with the motif, using these two-letter keys:

Table 14.2: Fields used to store references in TRANSFAC files
RN Reference number
RA Reference authors
RL Reference data
RT Reference title
RX PubMed ID

Printing the motifs writes them out in their native TRANSFAC format:

>>> print record
VV  EXAMPLE January 15, 2013
ID  motif1
P0      A      C      G      T
01      1      2      2      0      S
02      2      1      2      0      R
03      3      0      1      1      A
04      0      5      0      0      C
05      5      0      0      0      A
06      0      0      4      1      G
07      0      1      4      0      G
08      0      0      0      5      T
09      0      0      5      0      G
10      0      1      2      2      K
11      0      2      0      3      Y
12      1      0      3      1      G
ID  motif2
P0      A      C      G      T
01      2      1      2      0      R
02      1      2      2      0      S
03      0      5      0      0      C
04      3      0      1      1      A
05      0      0      4      1      G
06      5      0      0      0      A
07      0      1      4      0      G
08      0      0      5      0      G
09      0      0      0      5      T
10      0      2      0      3      Y

You can export the motifs in the TRANSFAC format by capturing this output in a string and saving it in a file:

>>> text = str(record)
>>> handle = open("mytransfacfile.dat", 'w')
>>> handle.write(text)
>>> handle.close()

14.1.3 Writing motifs

Speaking of exporting, let’s look at export functions in general. To export a motif in the JASPAR .pfm format, use

>>> print m.format("pfm")
3       7       0       2       1
0       0       5       2       6
0       0       0       3       0
4       0       2       0       0

To write the motif in a TRANSFAC-like matrix format, use

>>> print m.format("transfac")
P0      A      C      G      T
01      3      0      0      4      W
02      7      0      0      0      A
03      0      5      0      2      C
04      2      2      3      0      V
05      1      6      0      0      C

To write out multiple motifs, you can use motifs.write. This function can be used regardless of whether the motifs originated from a TRANSFAC file. For example,

>>> two_motifs = [arnt, srf]
>>> print motifs.write(two_motifs, 'transfac')
P0      A      C      G      T
01      4     16      0      0      C
02     19      0      1      0      A
03      0     20      0      0      C
04      0      0     20      0      G
05      0      0      0     20      T
06      0      0     20      0      G
P0      A      C      G      T
01      2      1     39      4      G
02      9     33      2      2      C
03      0     45      1      0      C
04      1     45      0      0      C
05     32      1      0     13      A
06      3      1      0     42      T
07     46      0      0      0      A
08      1      0      0     45      T
09     43      0      0      3      A
10     15      1      0     30      T
11      2      0     44      0      G
12      2      1     43      0      G

14.2 Position-Weight Matrices

The .counts attribute of a Motif object shows how often each nucleotide appeared at each position along the alignment. We can normalize this matrix by dividing by the number of instances in the alignment, resulting in the probability of each nucleotide at each position along the alignment. We refer to these probabilities as the position-weight matrix. However, beware that in the literature this term may also be used to refer to the position-specific scoring matrix, which we discuss below.

Usually, pseudocounts are added to each position before normalizing. This avoids overfitting of the position-weight matrix to the limited number of motif instances in the alignment, and can also prevent probabilities from becoming zero. To add a fixed pseudocount to all nucleotides at all positions, specify a number for the pseudocounts argument:

>>> pwm = m.counts.normalize(pseudocounts=0.5)
>>> print pwm
        0      1      2      3      4
A:   0.39   0.83   0.06   0.28   0.17
C:   0.06   0.06   0.61   0.28   0.72
G:   0.06   0.06   0.06   0.39   0.06
T:   0.50   0.06   0.28   0.06   0.06

Alternatively, pseudocounts can be a dictionary specifying the pseudocounts for each nucleotide. For example, as the GC content of the human genome is about 40%, you may want to choose the pseudocounts accordingly:

>>> pwm = m.counts.normalize(pseudocounts={'A':0.6, 'C': 0.4, 'G': 0.4, 'T': 0.6})
>>> print pwm
        0      1      2      3      4
A:   0.40   0.84   0.07   0.29   0.18
C:   0.04   0.04   0.60   0.27   0.71
G:   0.04   0.04   0.04   0.38   0.04
T:   0.51   0.07   0.29   0.07   0.07

The position-weight matrix has its own methods to calculate the consensus, anticonsensus, and degenerate consensus sequences:

>>> pwm.consensus
Seq('TACGC', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
>>> pwm.anticonsensus
Seq('GGGTG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
>>> pwm.degenerate_consensus
Seq('WACNC', IUPACAmbiguousDNA())

Note that due to the pseudocounts, the degenerate consensus sequence calculated from the position-weight matrix is slightly different from the degenerate consensus sequence calculated from the instances in the motif:

>>> m.degenerate_consensus
Seq('WACVC', IUPACAmbiguousDNA())

The reverse complement of the position-weight matrix can be calculated directly from the pwm:

>>> rpwm = pwm.reverse_complement()
>>> print rpwm
        0      1      2      3      4
A:   0.07   0.07   0.29   0.07   0.51
C:   0.04   0.38   0.04   0.04   0.04
G:   0.71   0.27   0.60   0.04   0.04
T:   0.18   0.29   0.07   0.84   0.40

14.3 Position-Specific Scoring Matrices

Using the background distribution and PWM with pseudo-counts added, it’s easy to compute the log-odds ratios, telling us what are the log odds of a particular symbol to be coming from a motif against the background. We can use the .log_odds() method on the position-weight matrix:

>>> pssm = pwm.log_odds()
>>> print pssm
        0      1      2      3      4
A:   0.68   1.76  -1.91   0.21  -0.49
C:  -2.49  -2.49   1.26   0.09   1.51
G:  -2.49  -2.49  -2.49   0.60  -2.49
T:   1.03  -1.91   0.21  -1.91  -1.91

Here we can see positive values for symbols more frequent in the motif than in the background and negative for symbols more frequent in the background. 0.0 means that it’s equally likely to see a symbol in the background and in the motif.

This assumes that A, C, G, and T are equally likely in the background. To calculate the position-specific scoring matrix against a background with unequal probabilities for A, C, G, T, use the background argument. For example, against a background with a 40% GC content, use

>>> background = {'A':0.3,'C':0.2,'G':0.2,'T':0.3}
>>> pssm = pwm.log_odds(background)
>>> print pssm
        0      1      2      3      4
A:   0.42   1.49  -2.17  -0.05  -0.75
C:  -2.17  -2.17   1.58   0.42   1.83
G:  -2.17  -2.17  -2.17   0.92  -2.17
T:   0.77  -2.17  -0.05  -2.17  -2.17

The maximum and minimum score obtainable from the PSSM are stored in the .max and .min properties:

>>> print "%4.2f" % pssm.max
>>> print "%4.2f" % pssm.min

The mean and standard deviation of the PSSM scores with respect to a specific background are calculated by the .mean and .std methods.

>>> mean = pssm.mean(background)
>>> std = pssm.std(background)
>>> print "mean = %0.2f, standard deviation = %0.2f" % (mean, std)
mean = 3.21, standard deviation = 2.59

A uniform background is used if background is not specified. The mean is particularly important, as its value is equal to the Kullback-Leibler divergence or relative entropy, and is a measure for the information content of the motif compared to the background. As in Biopython the base-2 logarithm is used in the calculation of the log-odds scores, the information content has units of bits.

The .reverse_complement, .consensus, .anticonsensus, and .degenerate_consensus methods can be applied directly to PSSM objects.

14.4 Searching for instances

The most frequent use for a motif is to find its instances in some sequence. For the sake of this section, we will use an artificial sequence like this:

>>> test_seq=Seq("TACACTGCATTACAACCCAAGCATTA",m.alphabet)
>>> len(test_seq)

14.4.1 Searching for exact matches

The simplest way to find instances, is to look for exact matches of the true instances of the motif:

>>> for pos,seq in
...     print pos, seq

We can do the same with the reverse complement (to find instances on the complementary strand):

>>> for pos,seq in
...     print pos, seq

14.4.2 Searching for matches using the PSSM score

It’s just as easy to look for positions, giving rise to high log-odds scores against our motif:

>>> for position, score in, threshold=3.0):
...     print "Position %d: score = %5.3f" % (position, score)
Position 0: score = 5.622
Position -20: score = 4.601
Position 10: score = 3.037
Position 13: score = 5.738
Position -6: score = 4.601

The negative positions refer to instances of the motif found on the reverse strand of the test sequence, and follow the Python convention on negative indices. Therefore, the instance of the motif at pos is located at test_seq[pos:pos+len(m)] both for positive and for negative values of pos.

You may notice the threshold parameter, here set arbitrarily to 3.0. This is in log2, so we are now looking only for words, which are eight times more likely to occur under the motif model than in the background. The default threshold is 0.0, which selects everything that looks more like the motif than the background.

You can also calculate the scores at all positions along the sequence:

>>> pssm.calculate(test_seq)
array([  5.62230396,  -5.6796999 ,  -3.43177247,   0.93827754,
        -6.84962511,  -2.04066086, -10.84962463,  -3.65614533,
        -0.03370807,  -3.91102552,   3.03734159,  -2.14918518,
        -0.6016975 ,   5.7381525 ,  -0.50977498,  -3.56422281,
        -8.73414803,  -0.09919716,  -0.6016975 ,  -2.39429784,
       -10.84962463,  -3.65614533], dtype=float32)

In general, this is the fastest way to calculate PSSM scores. The scores returned by pssm.calculate are for the forward strand only. To obtain the scores on the reverse strand, you can take the reverse complement of the PSSM:

>>> rpssm = pssm.reverse_complement()
>>> rpssm.calculate(test_seq)
array([ -9.43458748,  -3.06172252,  -7.18665981,  -7.76216221,
        -2.04066086,  -4.26466274,   4.60124254,  -4.2480607 ,
        -8.73414803,  -2.26503372,  -6.49598789,  -5.64668512,
        -8.73414803, -10.84962463,  -4.82356262,  -4.82356262,
        -5.64668512,  -8.73414803,  -4.15613794,  -5.6796999 ,
         4.60124254,  -4.2480607 ], dtype=float32)

14.4.3 Selecting a score threshold

If you want to use a less arbitrary way of selecting thresholds, you can explore the distribution of PSSM scores. Since the space for a score distribution grows exponentially with motif length, we are using an approximation with a given precision to keep computation cost manageable:

>>> distribution = pssm.distribution(background=background, precision=10**4)

The distribution object can be used to determine a number of different thresholds. We can specify the requested false-positive rate (probability of “finding” a motif instance in background generated sequence):

>>> threshold = distribution.threshold_fpr(0.01)
>>> print "%5.3f" % threshold

or the false-negative rate (probability of “not finding” an instance generated from the motif):

>>> threshold = distribution.threshold_fnr(0.1)
>>> print "%5.3f" % threshold

or a threshold (approximately) satisfying some relation between the false-positive rate and the false-negative rate (fnr/fpr≃ t):

>>> threshold = distribution.threshold_balanced(1000)
>>> print "%5.3f" % threshold

or a threshold satisfying (roughly) the equality between the false-positive rate and the −log of the information content (as used in patser software by Hertz and Stormo):

>>> threshold = distribution.threshold_patser()
>>> print "%5.3f" % threshold

For example, in case of our motif, you can get the threshold giving you exactly the same results (for this sequence) as searching for instances with balanced threshold with rate of 1000.

>>> threshold = distribution.threshold_fpr(0.01)
>>> print "%5.3f" % threshold
>>> for position, score in,threshold=threshold):
...     print "Position %d: score = %5.3f" % (position, score)
Position 0: score = 5.622
Position -20: score = 4.601
Position 13: score = 5.738
Position -6: score = 4.601

14.5 Each motif object has an associated Position-Specific Scoring Matrix

To facilitate searching for potential TFBSs using PSSMs, both the position-weight matrix and the position-specific scoring matrix are associated with each motif. Using the Arnt motif as an example:

>>> from Bio import motifs
>>> handle = open("Arnt.sites")
>>> motif =, 'sites')
>>> print motif.counts
        0      1      2      3      4      5
A:   4.00  19.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
C:  16.00   0.00  20.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
G:   0.00   1.00   0.00  20.00   0.00  20.00
T:   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00  20.00   0.00

>>> print motif.pwm
        0      1      2      3      4      5
A:   0.20   0.95   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
C:   0.80   0.00   1.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
G:   0.00   0.05   0.00   1.00   0.00   1.00
T:   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   1.00   0.00
>>> print motif.pssm
        0      1      2      3      4      5
A:  -0.32   1.93   -inf   -inf   -inf   -inf
C:   1.68   -inf   2.00   -inf   -inf   -inf
G:   -inf  -2.32   -inf   2.00   -inf   2.00
T:   -inf   -inf   -inf   -inf   2.00   -inf

The negative infinities appear here because the corresponding entry in the frequency matrix is 0, and we are using zero pseudocounts by default:

>>> for letter in "ACGT":
...     print "%s: %4.2f" % (letter, motif.pseudocounts[letter])
A: 0.00
C: 0.00
G: 0.00
T: 0.00

If you change the .pseudocounts attribute, the position-frequency matrix and the position-specific scoring matrix are recalculated automatically:

>>> motif.pseudocounts = 3.0
>>> for letter in "ACGT":
...     print "%s: %4.2f" % (letter, motif.pseudocounts[letter])
A: 3.00
C: 3.00
G: 3.00
T: 3.00
>>> print motif.pwm
        0      1      2      3      4      5
A:   0.22   0.69   0.09   0.09   0.09   0.09
C:   0.59   0.09   0.72   0.09   0.09   0.09
G:   0.09   0.12   0.09   0.72   0.09   0.72
T:   0.09   0.09   0.09   0.09   0.72   0.09
>>> print motif.pssm
        0      1      2      3      4      5
A:  -0.19   1.46  -1.42  -1.42  -1.42  -1.42
C:   1.25  -1.42   1.52  -1.42  -1.42  -1.42
G:  -1.42  -1.00  -1.42   1.52  -1.42   1.52
T:  -1.42  -1.42  -1.42  -1.42   1.52  -1.42

You can also set the .pseudocounts to a dictionary over the four nucleotides if you want to use different pseudocounts for them. Setting motif.pseudocounts to None resets it to its default value of zero.

The position-specific scoring matrix depends on the background distribution, which is uniform by default:

>>> for letter in "ACGT":
...     print "%s: %4.2f" % (letter, motif.background[letter])
A: 0.25
C: 0.25
G: 0.25
T: 0.25

Again, if you modify the background distribution, the position-specific scoring matrix is recalculated:

>>> motif.background = {'A': 0.2, 'C': 0.3, 'G': 0.3, 'T': 0.2}
>>> print motif.pssm
        0      1      2      3      4      5
A:   0.13   1.78  -1.09  -1.09  -1.09  -1.09
C:   0.98  -1.68   1.26  -1.68  -1.68  -1.68
G:  -1.68  -1.26  -1.68   1.26  -1.68   1.26
T:  -1.09  -1.09  -1.09  -1.09   1.85  -1.09

Setting motif.background to None resets it to a uniform distribution:

>>> motif.background = None
>>> for letter in "ACGT":
...     print "%s: %4.2f" % (letter, motif.background[letter])
A: 0.25
C: 0.25
G: 0.25
T: 0.25

If you set motif.background equal to a single value, it will be interpreted as the GC content:

>>> motif.background = 0.8
>>> for letter in "ACGT":
...     print "%s: %4.2f" % (letter, motif.background[letter])
A: 0.10
C: 0.40
G: 0.40
T: 0.10

Note that you can now calculate the mean of the PSSM scores over the background against which it was computed:

>>> print "%f" % motif.pssm.mean(motif.background)

as well as its standard deviation:

>>> print "%f" % motif.pssm.std(motif.background)

and its distribution:

>>> distribution = motif.pssm.distribution(background=motif.background)
>>> threshold = distribution.threshold_fpr(0.01)
>>> print "%f" % threshold

Note that the position-weight matrix and the position-specific scoring matrix are recalculated each time you call motif.pwm or motif.pssm, respectively. If speed is an issue and you want to use the PWM or PSSM repeatedly, you can save them as a variable, as in

>>> pssm = motif.pssm

14.6 Comparing motifs

Once we have more than one motif, we might want to compare them.

Before we start comparing motifs, I should point out that motif boundaries are usually quite arbitrary. This means we often need to compare motifs of different lengths, so comparison needs to involve some kind of alignment. This means we have to take into account two things:

  • alignment of motifs
  • some function to compare aligned motifs

To align the motifs, we use ungapped alignment of PSSMs and substitute zeros for any missing columns at the beginning and end of the matrices. This means that effectively we are using the background distribution for columns missing from the PSSM. The distance function then returns the minimal distance between motifs, as well as the corresponding offset in their alignment.

To give an exmaple, let us first load another motif, which is similar to our test motif m:

>>> m_reb1 ="REB1.pfm"), "pfm")
>>> m_reb1.consensus
Seq('GTTACCCGG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
>>> print m_reb1.counts
        0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8
A:  30.00   0.00   0.00 100.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00  15.00
C:  10.00   0.00   0.00   0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00   0.00  15.00
G:  50.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00  60.00  55.00
T:  10.00 100.00 100.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00  40.00  15.00

To make the motifs comparable, we choose the same values for the pseudocounts and the background distribution as our motif m:

>>> m_reb1.pseudocounts = {'A':0.6, 'C': 0.4, 'G': 0.4, 'T': 0.6}
>>> m_reb1.background = {'A':0.3,'C':0.2,'G':0.2,'T':0.3}
>>> pssm_reb1 = m_reb1.pssm
>>> print pssm_reb1
        0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8
A:   0.00  -5.67  -5.67   1.72  -5.67  -5.67  -5.67  -5.67  -0.97
C:  -0.97  -5.67  -5.67  -5.67   2.30   2.30   2.30  -5.67  -0.41
G:   1.30  -5.67  -5.67  -5.67  -5.67  -5.67  -5.67   1.57   1.44
T:  -1.53   1.72   1.72  -5.67  -5.67  -5.67  -5.67   0.41  -0.97

We’ll compare these motifs using the Pearson correlation. Since we want it to resemble a distance measure, we actually take 1−r, where r is the Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC):

>>> distance, offset = pssm.dist_pearson(pssm_reb1)
>>> print "distance = %5.3g" % distance
distance = 0.239
>>> print offset

This means that the best PCC between motif m and m_reb1 is obtained with the following alignment:

m:      bbTACGCbb

where b stands for background distribution. The PCC itself is roughly 1−0.239=0.761.

14.7 De novo motif finding

Currently, Biopython has only limited support for de novo motif finding. Namely, we support running and parsing of AlignAce and MEME. Since the number of motif finding tools is growing rapidly, contributions of new parsers are welcome.

14.7.1 MEME

Let’s assume, you have run MEME on sequences of your choice with your favorite parameters and saved the output in the file meme.out. You can retrieve the motifs reported by MEME by running the following piece of code:

>>> from Bio import motifs
>>> motifsM = motifs.parse(open("meme.out"), "meme")
>>> motifsM
[< object at 0xc356b0>]

Besides the most wanted list of motifs, the result object contains more useful information, accessible through properties with self-explanatory names:

  • .alphabet
  • .datafile
  • .sequence_names
  • .version
  • .command

The motifs returned by the MEME Parser can be treated exactly like regular Motif objects (with instances), they also provide some extra functionality, by adding additional information about the instances.

>>> motifsM[0].consensus
Seq('CTCAATCGTA', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
>>> motifsM[0].instances[0].sequence_name
>>> motifsM[0].instances[0].start
>>> motifsM[0].instances[0].strand
>>> motifsM[0].instances[0].pvalue

14.7.2 AlignAce

We can do very similar things with the AlignACE program. Assume, you have your output in the file alignace.out. You can parse your output with the following code:

>>> from Bio import motifs
>>> motifsA = motifs.parse(open("alignace.out"),"alignace")

Again, your motifs behave as they should:

>>> motifsA[0].consensus

In fact you can even see, that AlignAce found a very similar motif as MEME. It is just a longer version of a reverse complement of the MEME motif:

>>> motifsM[0].reverse_complement().consensus
Seq('TACGATTGAG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())

If you have AlignAce installed on the same machine, you can also run it directly from Biopython. A short example of how this can be done is shown below (other parameters can be specified as keyword parameters):

>>> command="/opt/bin/AlignACE"
>>> input_file="test.fa"
>>> from Bio.motifs.applications import AlignAceCommandline
>>> cmd = AlignAceCommandline(cmd=command,input=input_file,gcback=0.6,numcols=10)
>>> stdout,stderr= cmd()

Since AlignAce prints all of its output to standard output, you can get to your motifs by parsing the first part of the result:

>>> motifs = motifs.parse(stdout,"alignace")

14.9 Obsolete Bio.Motif module

The rest of this chapter above describes the Bio.motifs package included in Biopython 1.61 onwards, which is replacing the older Bio.Motif package introduced with Biopython 1.50, which was in turn based on two older former Biopython modules, Bio.AlignAce and Bio.MEME.

To allow for a smooth transition, the older Bio.Motif package will be maintained in parallel with its replacement Bio.motifs at least two more releases, and at least one year.

14.9.1 Motif objects

Since we are interested in motif analysis, we need to take a look at Motif objects in the first place. For that we need to import the Motif library:

>>> from Bio import Motif

and we can start creating our first motif objects. Let’s create a DNA motif:

>>> from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
>>> m = Motif.Motif(alphabet=IUPAC.unambiguous_dna)

This is for now just an empty container, so let’s add some sequences to our newly created motif:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> m.add_instance(Seq("TATAA",m.alphabet))
>>> m.add_instance(Seq("TATTA",m.alphabet))
>>> m.add_instance(Seq("TATAA",m.alphabet))
>>> m.add_instance(Seq("TATAA",m.alphabet))

Now we have a full Motif instance, so we can try to get some basic information about it. Let’s start with length and consensus sequence:

>>> len(m)
>>> m.consensus()
Seq('TATAA', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())

In case of DNA motifs, we can also get a reverse complement of a motif:

>>> m.reverse_complement().consensus()
Seq('TTATA', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
>>> for i in m.reverse_complement().instances:
...     print i

We can also calculate the information content of a motif with a simple call:

>>> print "%0.2f" % m.ic()

This gives us a number of bits of information provided by the motif, which tells us how much differs from background.

The most common representation of a motif is a PWM (Position Weight Matrix). It summarizes the probabilities of finding any symbol (in this case nucleotide) in any position of a motif. It can be computed by calling the .pwm() method:

>>> m.pwm()
[{'A': 0.05, 'C': 0.05, 'T': 0.85, 'G': 0.05},
 {'A': 0.85, 'C': 0.05, 'T': 0.05, 'G': 0.05},
 {'A': 0.05, 'C': 0.05, 'T': 0.85, 'G': 0.05},
 {'A': 0.65, 'C': 0.05, 'T': 0.25, 'G': 0.05},
 {'A': 0.85, 'C': 0.05, 'T': 0.05, 'G': 0.05}]

The probabilities in the motif’s PWM are based on the counts in the instances, but we can see, that even though there were no Gs and no Cs in the instances, we still have non-zero probabilities assigned to them. These come from pseudo-counts which are, roughly speaking, a commonly used way to acknowledge the incompleteness of our knowledge and avoid technical problems with calculating logarithms of 0.

We can control the way that pseudo-counts are added with two properties of Motif objects .background is the probability distribution over all symbols in the alphabet that we assume represents background, non-motif sequences (usually based on the GC content of the respective genome). It is by default set to a uniform distribution upon creation of a motif:

>>> m.background
{'A': 0.25, 'C': 0.25, 'T': 0.25, 'G': 0.25}

The other parameter is .beta, which states the amount of pseudo-counts we should add to the PWM. By default it is set to 1.0,

>>> m.beta

so that the total input of pseudo-counts is equal to that of one instance.

Using the background distribution and pwm with pseudo-counts added, it’s easy to compute the log-odds ratios, telling us what are the log odds of a particular symbol to be coming from a motif against the background. We can use the .log_odds() method:

 >>> m.log_odds()
[{'A': -2.3219280948873622,
  'C': -2.3219280948873622,
  'T': 1.7655347463629771,
  'G': -2.3219280948873622},
 {'A': 1.7655347463629771,
  'C': -2.3219280948873622,
  'T': -2.3219280948873622,
  'G': -2.3219280948873622},
 {'A': -2.3219280948873622,
  'C': -2.3219280948873622,
  'T': 1.7655347463629771,
  'G': -2.3219280948873622},
 {'A': 1.3785116232537298,
  'C': -2.3219280948873622,
  'T': 0.0,
  'G': -2.3219280948873622},
 {'A': 1.7655347463629771,
  'C': -2.3219280948873622,
  'T': -2.3219280948873622,
  'G': -2.3219280948873622}

Here we can see positive values for symbols more frequent in the motif than in the background and negative for symbols more frequent in the background. 0.0 means that it’s equally likely to see a symbol in background and in the motif (e.g. ‘T’ in the second-last position). Reading and writing

Creating motifs from instances by hand is a bit boring, so it’s useful to have some I/O functions for reading and writing motifs. There are no really well established standards for storing motifs, but there’s a couple of formats which are more used than others. The most important distinction is whether the motif representation is based on instances or on some version of PWM matrix. On of the most popular motif databases JASPAR stores motifs in both formats, so let’s look at how we can import JASPAR motifs from instances:

>>> from Bio import Motif
>>> arnt ="Arnt.sites"),"jaspar-sites")

and from a count matrix:

>>> srf ="SRF.pfm"),"jaspar-pfm")

The arnt and srf motifs can both do the same things for us, but they use different internal representations of the motif. We can tell that by inspecting the has_counts and has_instances properties:

>>> arnt.has_instances
>>> srf.has_instances
>>> srf.has_counts
>>> srf.counts
{'A': [2, 9, 0, 1, 32, 3, 46, 1, 43, 15, 2, 2],
 'C': [1, 33, 45, 45, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1],
 'G': [39, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44, 43],
 'T': [4, 2, 0, 0, 13, 42, 0, 45, 3, 30, 0, 0]}

There are conversion functions, which can help us convert between different representations:

>>> arnt.make_counts_from_instances()
{'A': [8, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0],
 'C': [32, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0],
 'G': [0, 2, 0, 40, 0, 40],
 'T': [0, 0, 0, 0, 40, 0]}

>>> srf.make_instances_from_counts()
[Seq('GGGAAAAAAAGG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA()),
 Seq('GGCCAAATAAGG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA()),
 Seq('GACCAAATAAGG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA()),

The important thing to remember here is that the method make_instances_from_counts() creates fake instances, because usually there are very many possible sets of instances which give rise to the same pwm, and if we have only the count matrix, we cannot reconstruct the original one. This does not make any difference if we are using the PWM as the representation of the motif, but one should be careful with exporting instances from count-based motifs.

Speaking of exporting, let’s look at export functions. We can export to fasta:

>>> print m.format("fasta")

or to TRANSFAC-like matrix format (used by some motif processing software)

>>> print m.format("transfac")
TY Motif
BF undef
P0 G A T C
01 0 0 4 0
02 0 4 0 0
03 0 0 4 0
04 0 3 1 0
05 0 4 0 0

Finally, if we have internet access, we can create a weblogo:

>>> arnt.weblogo("Arnt.png")

We should get our logo saved as a png in the specified file.

14.9.2 Searching for instances

The most frequent use for a motif is to find its instances in some sequence. For the sake of this section, we will use an artificial sequence like this:


The simplest way to find instances, is to look for exact matches of the true instances of the motif:

>>> for pos,seq in m.search_instances(test_seq):
...     print pos,seq.tostring()

We can do the same with the reverse complement (to find instances on the complementary strand):

>>> for pos,seq in m.reverse_complement().search_instances(test_seq):
...     print pos,seq.tostring()

It’s just as easy to look for positions, giving rise to high log-odds scores against our motif:

>>> for pos,score in m.search_pwm(test_seq,threshold=5.0):
...     print pos,score
10 8.44065060871
-12 7.06213898545
15 8.44065060871
-20 8.44065060871
21 8.44065060871

You may notice the threshold parameter, here set arbitrarily to 5.0. This is in log2, so we are now looking only for words, which are 32 times more likely to occur under the motif model than in the background. The default threshold is 0.0, which selects everything that looks more like the motif than the background.

If you want to use a less arbitrary way of selecting thresholds, you can explore the Motif.score_distribution class implementing an distribution of scores for a given motif. Since the space for a score distribution grows exponentially with motif length, we are using an approximation with a given precision to keep computation cost manageable:

>>> sd = Motif.score_distribution(m,precision=10**4)

The sd object can be used to determine a number of different thresholds.

We can specify the requested false-positive rate (probability of “finding” a motif instance in background generated sequence):

>>> sd.threshold_fpr(0.01)

or the false-negative rate (probability of “not finding” an instance generated from the motif):

>>> sd.threshold_fnr(0.1)

or a threshold (approximately) satisfying some relation between fpr and fnr fnr/fprt:

>>> sd.threshold_balanced(1000)

or a threshold satisfying (roughly) the equality between the false-positive rate and the −log of the information content (as used in patser software by Hertz and Stormo).

For example, in case of our motif, you can get the threshold giving you exactly the same results (for this sequence) as searching for instances with balanced threshold with rate of 1000.

>>> for pos,score in m.search_pwm(test_seq,threshold=sd.threshold_balanced(1000)):
...     print pos,score
10 8.44065060871
15 8.44065060871
-20 8.44065060871
21 8.44065060871

14.9.3 Comparing motifs

Once we have more than one motif, we might want to compare them. For that, we have currently three different methods of Bio.Motif objects.

Before we start comparing motifs, I should point out that motif boundaries are usually quite arbitrary. This means, that we often need to compare motifs of different lengths, so comparison needs to involve some kind of alignment. This means, that we have to take into account two things:

  • alignment of motifs
  • some function to compare aligned motifs

In Bio.Motif we have 3 different functions for motif comparison, which are based on the same idea behind motif alignment, but use different functions to compare aligned motifs. Briefly speaking, we are using ungapped alignment of PWMs and substitute the missing columns at the beginning and end of the matrices with background distribution. All three comparison functions are written in such a way, that they can be interpreted as distance measures, however only one (dist_dpq) satisfies the triangle inequality. All of them return the minimal distance and the corresponding offset between motifs.

To show how these functions work, let us first load another motif, which is similar to our test motif m:

<Bio.Motif.Motif.Motif object at 0xc29b90>
>>> ubx.consensus()
Seq('TAAT', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())

The first function we’ll use to compare these motifs is based on Pearson correlation. Since we want it to resemble a distance measure, we actually take 1−r, where r is the Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC):

>>> m.dist_pearson(ubx)
(0.41740393308237722, 2)

This means, that the best PCC between motif m and Ubx is obtained with the following alignment:


where b stands for background distribution. The PCC itself is roughly 1−0.42=0.58. If we try the reverse complement of the Ubx motif:

>>> m.dist_pearson(ubx.reverse_complement())
(0.25784180151584823, 1)

We can see that the PCC is better (almost 0.75), and the alignment is also different:


There are two other functions: dist_dpq, which is a true metric (satisfying traingle inequality) based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence

>>> m.dist_dpq(ubx.reverse_complement())
(0.49292358382899853, 1)

and the dist_product method, which is based on the product of probabilities which can be interpreted as the probability of independently generating the same instance by both motifs.

>>> m.dist_product(ubx.reverse_complement())
(0.16224587301064275, 1)

14.9.4 De novo motif finding

Currently, Biopython has only limited support for de novo motif finding. Namely, we support running and parsing of AlignAce and MEME. Since the number of motif finding tools is growing rapidly, contributions of new parsers are welcome. MEME

Let’s assume, you have run MEME on sequences of your choice with your favorite parameters and saved the output in the file meme.out. You can retrieve the motifs reported by MEME by running the following piece of code:

>>> motifsM = list(Motif.parse(open("meme.out"),"MEME"))
>>> motifsM
[<Bio.Motif.MEMEMotif.MEMEMotif object at 0xc356b0>]

Besides the most wanted list of motifs, the result object contains more useful information, accessible through properties with self-explanatory names:

  • .alphabet
  • .datafile
  • .sequence_names
  • .version
  • .command

The motifs returned by MEMEParser can be treated exactly like regular Motif objects (with instances), they also provide some extra functionality, by adding additional information about the instances.

>>> motifsM[0].consensus()
Seq('CTCAATCGTA', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())

>>> motifsM[0].instances[0].pvalue
>>> motifsM[0].instances[0].sequence_name
>>> motifsM[0].instances[0].start
>>> motifsM[0].instances[0].strand
'+' AlignAce

We can do very similar things with AlignACE program. Assume, you have your output in the file alignace.out. You can parse your output with the following code:

>>> motifsA=list(Motif.parse(open("alignace.out"),"AlignAce"))

Again, your motifs behave as they should:

>>> motifsA[0].consensus()

In fact you can even see, that AlignAce found a very similar motif as MEME, it is just a longer version of a reverse complement of MEME motif:

>>> motifsM[0].reverse_complement().consensus()
Seq('TACGATTGAG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())

If you have AlignAce installed on the same machine, you can also run it directly from Biopython. Short example of how this can be done is shown below (other parameters can be specified as keyword parameters):

>>> command="/opt/bin/AlignACE"
>>> input_file="test.fa"
>>> from Bio.Motif.Applications import AlignAceCommandline
>>> cmd = AlignAceCommandline(cmd=command,input=input_file,gcback=0.6,numcols=10)
>>> stdout,stderr= cmd()

Since AlignAce prints all its output to standard output, you can get to your motifs by parsing the first part of the result:
